The Secret

The Secret, which discusses The Law of attraction  and how to use it in your life, rose to the top of many bestseller lists and inspired offshoots like The Secret Gratitude Book, The Secret Day-To-Day Calendar, and its own official website. The book introduced many people to the concept that their thoughts may influence not only their actions but the experiences that they bring into their lives as well.


The Secret puts forward several ideas that are surprising, exciting, and perhaps controversial, such as:

  • If you focus your attention on achieving a goal and believe not only that you can do it, but that you already have done it, you can achieve virtually any goal you set your mind to.
  • If you focus on what you don't want, you are inadvertently drawing that into your life. For example, if you constantly ruminate on what is stressing you, you'll actually draw more of those situations (and accompanying stressed feelings) into your life. Instead, the trick is to focus on what you do want in your life, and you'll get more of that.
  • The Law of Attraction, the principle that you attract whatever you focus your energy on (good or bad), works with relationships, possessions, goals, and anything else you are able to focus on—even your own health.

The book shares other insights and specific strategies to use, gives a history of the use of the Law of Attraction, and provides examples on how it's worked in the lives of various people, making it an interesting and informative read.

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